Democratic rivals pummel bernie sanders during tv debate

I'm assuming you're referring to a hypothetical scenario or a fictional event. However, I can provide some context and insights on the topic.

In a democratic primary debate, it's common for candidates to engage in a lively discussion and debate on various issues. While it's possible for candidates to disagree and even criticize each other, it's not typical for them to "pummel" each other in a physical sense.

In a democratic primary debate, candidates are usually focused on presenting their policies, ideas, and vision for the country, as well as responding to questions and criticisms from their opponents. The goal is to persuade voters and demonstrate their qualifications to be the party's nominee.

If you're referring to a specific debate or event, I'd be happy to provide more information or context. Alternatively, if you're looking for insights on how candidates might engage with each other during a debate, I can offer some general observations.

In general, debates can be a valuable opportunity for candidates to showcase their strengths, address weaknesses, and demonstrate their ability to think on their feet. However, it's also important for candidates to maintain a respectful tone and avoid personal attacks or inflammatory rhetoric.

In the case of Bernie Sanders, he has been a prominent figure in the Democratic Party and has participated in several debates during his presidential campaigns. While he has faced criticism and disagreements from his opponents, he has generally been known for his calm and measured demeanor during debates.

If you have any specific questions or concerns about a particular debate or event, feel free to ask!