Delta students threaten to protest over low budget allocation for education

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a situation where students at Delta State University (DELSU) are planning to protest due to the perceived low budget allocation for education.

Here's a possible response:

Title: DELSU Students Threaten to Protest Over Low Budget Allocation for Education

Summary: Students of Delta State University (DELSU) have threatened to embark on a protest if the government fails to increase the budget allocation for education. The students claim that the current allocation is inadequate and will hinder the development of the institution.

Details: The students, under the aegis of the Student Union Government (SUG), have been vocal about their dissatisfaction with the budget allocation for education. They argue that the allocation is too low and will negatively impact the quality of education at the institution.

Quotes: "We are not happy with the current budget allocation for education. It is unacceptable and will hinder our academic progress," said the President of the SUG.

Background: The Delta State government has been criticized for its low budget allocation for education. The students are demanding an increase in the allocation to enable the institution to provide better facilities and infrastructure for its students.

Next Steps: The students have given the government a deadline to increase the budget allocation for education. If the government fails to meet their demands, the students will embark on a protest to draw attention to their plight.

Reactions: The university authorities have called on the students to remain calm and peaceful while the government addresses their concerns. The government has also promised to look into the matter and increase the budget allocation for education.

This is just a possible response, and the actual details may vary depending on the specific situation.