Delta students threaten to protest over low budget allocation for education #comments

Delta Students Threaten to Protest Over Low Budget Allocation for Education

Students in Delta State, Nigeria, have threatened to stage a massive protest over the alleged low budget allocation for education in the state. The students, who are from various tertiary institutions in the state, are demanding a significant increase in the allocation to improve the quality of education in the state.

According to reports, the students are dissatisfied with the current budget allocation for education, which they claim is inadequate to cater to the needs of students and improve the infrastructure of schools in the state. They are calling on the state government to increase the allocation to at least 20% of the total budget, which is the recommended percentage by the Federal Government.

"We are tired of the poor state of our schools and the lack of facilities. We are tired of studying in dilapidated buildings and using outdated equipment. We demand a better education system and we are willing to fight for it," said a student leader from the University of Delta.

The students have given the state government a 14-day ultimatum to increase the budget allocation for education or face a massive protest. They have also threatened to boycott classes and disrupt academic activities if their demands are not met.

"We are not asking for much. We just want a decent education system that can compete with other states in the country. We want our schools to be equipped with modern facilities and our teachers to be well-trained. We want our students to have access to quality education and we are willing to fight for it," said another student leader from Delta State University.

The students' protest has received widespread support from parents, teachers, and other stakeholders in the education sector. Many have expressed their solidarity with the students and called on the state government to take their demands seriously.

"We support the students' protest and we demand that the state government takes immediate action to improve the education system in the state. Our children deserve better and we will not rest until they get it," said a parent.

The state government has yet to respond to the students' demands, but officials have promised to look into the matter and address the concerns of the students.

"We understand the concerns of the students and we are committed to improving the education system in the state. We will look into the matter and take necessary steps to address the concerns of the students," said a government official.

The students' protest has sparked a heated debate in the state, with many calling for a review of the budget allocation for education. The debate has also highlighted the need for a more sustainable and equitable education system in the state.

As the students prepare to stage their protest, many are hoping that their demands will be met and that the education system in the state will be improved.