Delta state latest news on polytechnic ozoro strike

I've got some information on the latest news regarding the strike by Polytechnic Ozoro, Delta State.

Latest Update: As of my knowledge cutoff, the strike by Polytechnic Ozoro, Delta State, is still ongoing. The strike was called by the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) and the Senior Staff Association of Polytechnics in Nigeria (SSANIP) over issues such as non-payment of salaries, non-implementation of the new minimum wage, and poor working conditions.

Reasons for the Strike: The unions are demanding the following:

  1. Payment of outstanding salaries and allowances owed to staff members.
  2. Implementation of the new minimum wage for polytechnic staff.
  3. Improved working conditions, including the provision of adequate infrastructure and facilities.
  4. Resolution of the issue of staff promotion and career progression.

Impact on Students: The strike has resulted in the suspension of academic activities at the institution, affecting thousands of students. The students are currently at home, and the institution's management has not provided a clear timeline for when the strike will be called off.

Government Response: The Delta State Government has been urged to intervene and resolve the crisis. The government has been accused of not doing enough to address the concerns of the unions and has been criticized for its handling of the situation.

Latest Developments: There have been reports of negotiations between the unions and the institution's management, but no agreement has been reached yet. The unions have threatened to continue the strike until their demands are met.


Please note that the information may not be up-to-date, and I recommend checking with the institution's official channels or reputable news sources for the latest updates.