Delta schools where students sit on bare floor to learn

You're referring to the Delta Schools in India, where students sit on the floor to learn!

The Delta Schools, also known as the "Bare Floor Schools," are a unique educational initiative in India that focuses on providing quality education to underprivileged children. The schools are run by the non-profit organization, The Delta Foundation, which was founded by Dr. Kiran Bedi, a renowned social activist and former Indian cricket captain.

The Delta Schools are designed to provide a simple, yet effective, learning environment for children from low-income families. The schools have no chairs or desks, and students sit on the floor to learn. This unconventional approach is meant to promote equality, simplicity, and a sense of community among students.

The schools follow a unique curriculum that focuses on practical skills, such as literacy, numeracy, and life skills, rather than traditional academic subjects. The teachers are trained to use innovative methods, such as storytelling, role-playing, and games, to engage students and make learning fun.

The Delta Schools have gained international recognition for their innovative approach to education and have been featured in various media outlets, including the BBC, CNN, and The New York Times. The schools have also received support from organizations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Indian government.

While the Delta Schools may not be the most conventional educational setting, they have shown promising results in improving the educational outcomes of underprivileged children. The schools have helped to increase literacy rates, reduce dropout rates, and promote social and emotional learning among students.

Overall, the Delta Schools are an inspiring example of how innovative thinking and community-based initiatives can help to address the challenges of education in India and beyond.