Delet innerhtml and update new

You want to delete the innerHTML of an element and update it with new content. Here are a few ways to do it:

Method 1: Using the innerHTML property

const element = document.getElementById('myElement'); // replace with your element's ID
element.innerHTML = ''; // delete the innerHTML
element.innerHTML = 'New content'; // update with new content

Method 2: Using the textContent property

const element = document.getElementById('myElement'); // replace with your element's ID
element.textContent = ''; // delete the text content
element.textContent = 'New content'; // update with new content

Method 3: Using the replaceChildren method (modern browsers only)

const element = document.getElementById('myElement'); // replace with your element's ID
element.replaceChildren(); // delete all child nodes
element.appendChild(document.createTextNode('New content')); // update with new content

Method 4: Using the innerHTML property with a template literal

const element = document.getElementById('myElement'); // replace with your element's ID
element.innerHTML = ''; // delete the innerHTML
element.innerHTML = `${newContent}`; // update with new content (using a template literal)

Make sure to replace #myElement with the actual ID of the element you want to update.

Also, if you're using a framework like React or Angular, you may need to use a different approach to update the content of an element.