Dekeay zaka ft calvin shaw

It seems like you're looking for information on a song or artist!

Dekeay Zaka is a singer-songwriter, and "Dekeay Zaka ft Calvin Shaw" is likely a song or collaboration between the two artists.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find much information on Dekeay Zaka or Calvin Shaw, as they might be relatively new or lesser-known artists. However, I can suggest a few options to help you find more information:

  1. Check music streaming platforms: You can try searching for the song or artists on music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube Music. If the song is available, you might be able to find more information about the artists, such as their bio, discography, and social media links.
  2. Look up music blogs or websites: Websites like Music Gateway, Music Week, or online music blogs might have articles or reviews about Dekeay Zaka and Calvin Shaw. You can also try searching for music festivals or events where they might have performed.
  3. Social media: Try searching for Dekeay Zaka and Calvin Shaw on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. They might have official accounts where they share updates, music, and behind-the-scenes content.

If you have any more information about the song, such as the genre, release date, or lyrics, I might be able to help you find more specific information!