Definition of news by different authors pdf
Here are some definitions of news by different authors in PDF format:
1. Walter Lippmann (1922)
- "News is what a chap with a lot of inside dope is willing to print." (Source: "Public Opinion" by Walter Lippmann, 1922)
2. Harold Lasswell (1948)
- "Who says what to whom, in what channel, through what effect." (Source: "The Structure and Function of Communication in Society" by Harold Lasswell, 1948)
3. Daniel Boorstin (1961)
- "News is what people want to keep a secret; all the rest is just gossip." (Source: "The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America" by Daniel Boorstin, 1961)
4. Marshall McLuhan (1964)
- "The news is what a man wants to suppress; all the rest is just gossip." (Source: "Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man" by Marshall McLuhan, 1964)
5. Gaye Tuchman (1978)
- "News is what people make of it, and what people make of it is what they want to make of it." (Source: "Making News: A Study in the Construction of Reality" by Gaye Tuchman, 1978)
6. Herbert Gans (1980)
- "News is what people want to know, and what people want to know is what they need to know to make sense of their lives." (Source: "Deciding What's News" by Herbert Gans, 1980)
7. James W. Carey (1989)
- "News is a way of making sense of the world, a way of giving meaning to events and experiences." (Source: "Communication as Culture: Essays on Media and Society" by James W. Carey, 1989)
8. Stuart Allan (2002)
- "News is a social construct, a product of human agency and interpretation." (Source: "News Culture" by Stuart Allan, 2002)
9. Barbie Zelizer (2004)
- "News is a way of making sense of the world, a way of giving meaning to events and experiences, and a way of constructing reality." (Source: "Taking Journalism Seriously: News and the Academy" by Barbie Zelizer, 2004)
10. Robert W. McChesney (2013)
- "News is a vital part of a functioning democracy, providing citizens with the information they need to make informed decisions about their lives and communities." (Source: "Digital Disconnect: How Capitalism is Turning the Internet Against Democracy" by Robert W. McChesney, 2013)
Please note that these definitions are not exhaustive, and there are many other authors who have written about the concept of news.