Define structure of news

The structure of a news article typically includes the following elements:

  1. Headline: A concise and attention-grabbing title that summarizes the main point of the article.
  2. Lead (or Lede): The opening paragraph of the article that provides a brief summary of the story, including the most important information.
  3. Body: The main content of the article, which provides more detailed information about the story, including quotes, statistics, and background information.
  4. Subheadings: Smaller headings that break up the body of the article and provide a brief summary of the main points being discussed.
  5. Quotes: Direct quotes from individuals involved in the story, which provide additional context and insight.
  6. Statistics: Numbers and data that support the story and provide additional context.
  7. Background information: Information that provides context and background on the story, including relevant history, facts, and figures.
  8. Analysis: The author's interpretation of the story, including analysis and commentary on the implications and significance of the event.
  9. Conclusion: A summary of the main points and a final thought or call to action.
  10. Boilerplate: A brief summary of the organization or individual being reported on, including their mission, goals, and relevant information.

In addition to these elements, news articles may also include:

The structure of a news article may vary depending on the type of story, the audience, and the medium in which it is being published. However, the elements listed above provide a general framework for understanding the structure of a typical news article.