Define journalism in new media concept

In the context of new media, journalism refers to the practice of gathering, processing, and disseminating news and information through digital platforms, such as online news websites, social media, blogs, podcasts, and mobile apps. New media journalism is characterized by its ability to reach a global audience, facilitate real-time reporting, and engage with readers through interactive and participatory mechanisms.

Key features of new media journalism:

  1. Digital distribution: News is disseminated through digital channels, such as websites, social media, and mobile devices.
  2. Real-time reporting: News is reported and published in real-time, allowing for immediate updates and corrections.
  3. Interactive and participatory: Readers can engage with news content through comments, social media, and other interactive features.
  4. Multimedia storytelling: News is presented through various formats, such as text, images, videos, audio, and infographics.
  5. Global reach: New media journalism can reach a global audience, transcending geographical boundaries.
  6. Collaborative reporting: Journalists can collaborate with sources, experts, and other journalists to gather and verify information.
  7. Data-driven reporting: Journalists use data analysis and visualization to uncover patterns, trends, and insights.
  8. Crowdsourcing: Readers can contribute to reporting and investigation through crowdsourcing initiatives.
  9. Transparency and accountability: Journalists are expected to be transparent about their sources, methods, and biases, and to be accountable for their reporting.
  10. Continuous updating: News content is updated regularly to reflect new developments and corrections.

New media journalism has also given rise to new forms of journalism, such as:

  1. Citizen journalism: Non-professional journalists contribute to reporting and investigation.
  2. Blogging: Individuals publish their own news and commentary on blogs.
  3. Podcasting: Audio news and commentary are disseminated through podcasts.
  4. Vlogging: Video news and commentary are disseminated through vlogs.
  5. Social media reporting: Journalists use social media platforms to report and engage with readers.

Overall, new media journalism has transformed the way news is gathered, reported, and disseminated, offering new opportunities for journalists, readers, and the public to engage with news and information.