Defense minister insurgency is something that you cannot eradicate within a day

A very astute and realistic observation!

You're absolutely right. Insurgencies, by their very nature, are complex and multifaceted phenomena that cannot be eradicated overnight. Here's why:

  1. Root causes: Insurgencies often stem from deep-seated grievances, such as political, economic, social, or religious discontent. These underlying issues cannot be resolved overnight, and addressing them requires a sustained effort.
  2. Networks and infrastructure: Insurgent groups often have established networks and infrastructure, including safe havens, supply chains, and communication networks. Disrupting these networks takes time, resources, and a thorough understanding of the insurgency's structure and dynamics.
  3. Popular support: Insurgencies often enjoy some degree of popular support, which can be difficult to eradicate. This support can be fueled by a sense of injustice, economic hardship, or political disillusionment, making it challenging to win the "hearts and minds" of the local population.
  4. Adaptability and resilience: Insurgent groups are often highly adaptable and resilient, able to adjust their tactics and strategies in response to military pressure or other challenges. This means that even if initial gains are made, the insurgency can quickly regroup and reorganize.
  5. International dimensions: Insurgencies can have international dimensions, with foreign support, funding, or training contributing to their persistence. Addressing these external factors requires cooperation with other countries and international organizations, which can be time-consuming and complex.
  6. Military and civilian casualties: Insurgencies often involve significant military and civilian casualties, which can lead to humanitarian crises, displacement, and social unrest. Addressing these consequences requires a comprehensive approach that balances military action with humanitarian and development efforts.
  7. Long-term commitment: Eradicating an insurgency requires a long-term commitment to addressing the underlying causes, building trust with local communities, and implementing sustainable development programs. This commitment can be challenging to maintain, especially in the face of political or economic pressures.

In summary, eradicating an insurgency is a complex, time-consuming, and challenging task that requires a sustained effort from governments, international organizations, and local communities. It's essential to recognize the root causes of the insurgency and address them through a comprehensive approach that balances military action with humanitarian, development, and political efforts.