Deeper life gs preaching in new church

Congratulations on your new church! Here are some tips on how to preach effectively in a Deeper Life Gospel Hour (GS) service:

Understand the Deeper Life GS format

The Deeper Life GS is a unique format that focuses on in-depth Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. The service typically consists of:

  1. Praise and worship
  2. Bible reading and exposition
  3. Prayer and intercession
  4. Testimony and sharing
  5. Closing remarks and benediction

Preparation is key

To preach effectively in a Deeper Life GS service, prepare thoroughly:

  1. Study the Bible passage assigned to you. Make sure you understand the context, themes, and applications.
  2. Pray for guidance and wisdom as you prepare your message.
  3. Consider the audience and tailor your message to their needs and interests.
  4. Prepare clear, concise, and relevant illustrations and examples to support your message.

Key elements to include in your sermon

  1. Clear and concise exposition: Break down the Bible passage into manageable sections and explain each part clearly.
  2. Application: Show how the Bible passage applies to the lives of your congregation. Encourage them to apply the principles to their daily lives.
  3. Illustrations and examples: Use relevant stories, anecdotes, or examples to illustrate the points you're making.
  4. Prayer and intercession: Encourage the congregation to pray and intercede for specific needs and issues.
  5. Testimony and sharing: Invite members to share their testimonies and experiences, and encourage the congregation to do the same.

Tips for delivering your sermon

  1. Speak clearly and confidently: Use a clear and strong voice, and maintain eye contact with your audience.
  2. Use visual aids: Consider using visual aids like slides, videos, or props to support your message.
  3. Engage with your audience: Encourage participation and engagement by asking questions, making eye contact, and using humor.
  4. Keep it concise: Keep your sermon concise and to the point, avoiding unnecessary tangents or lengthy explanations.
  5. Leave time for prayer and intercession: Allow time for the congregation to pray and intercede for specific needs and issues.

Additional tips

  1. Familiarize yourself with the Deeper Life GS format: Understand the typical flow and structure of the service to ensure a smooth transition between segments.
  2. Collaborate with other leaders: Work with other leaders and ministers to ensure a cohesive and effective service.
  3. Encourage participation and engagement: Encourage members to participate in the service by asking questions, sharing their testimonies, and engaging in prayer and intercession.

By following these tips, you can effectively preach in a Deeper Life GS service and inspire your congregation to grow deeper in their faith.