Dedicates new house

Congratulations on your new home! Here's a sample dedication ceremony you can use as a guide:

Dedication Ceremony for Your New Home

Purpose: To formally dedicate your new home to the Lord and to express gratitude for the blessings you've received.

Scripture: Choose a relevant scripture that speaks to your gratitude and commitment to your new home. For example:


  1. Gather your family and friends in your new home.
  2. Light a candle or a prayer candle to symbolize the light of Christ in your home.
  3. Read the scripture you've chosen and reflect on its meaning.
  4. Express your gratitude to God for the blessings you've received, including your new home.
  5. Dedicate your home to the Lord, saying something like:

"Dear God, we come before you today to dedicate this new home to you. We thank you for the blessings you've given us, including this beautiful home. We ask that you fill this space with your love, peace, and joy. May it be a place where we can grow in our faith, build strong relationships, and serve others. We commit to using this home for your glory and to honor your name. Amen."

  1. Take a moment to pray and reflect on your commitment to your new home and to God.
  2. End the ceremony with a blessing or a prayer of thanksgiving.


Remember, the most important thing is to come before God with a grateful heart and a commitment to use your new home for His glory. Congratulations again on your new home!