Decoraation of new generals in the army

The decoration of new generals in the army is a significant ceremony that marks the promotion of an officer to the rank of general. The specific details of the ceremony may vary depending on the country and the military branch, but here are some common elements:

  1. Investiture ceremony: The ceremony typically takes place at a formal location, such as a military base, a government building, or a historic site. The ceremony is usually conducted by a senior military officer, a government official, or a dignitary.
  2. Presentation of the insignia: The new general is presented with the insignia of their new rank, which typically includes a star or stars on the shoulder or collar. The insignia is usually pinned on the officer's uniform by the presenting officer.
  3. Oath of office: The new general may be required to take an oath of office, swearing to uphold the values and principles of the military and to defend the country.
  4. Speeches and remarks: The ceremony may include speeches by the presenting officer, the new general, and other dignitaries. These speeches may highlight the new general's achievements, their qualifications for the rank, and the importance of their role in the military.
  5. Formal attire: The ceremony is typically formal, with the new general and other attendees wearing full dress uniform or formal attire.
  6. Honors and protocol: The ceremony may include honors and protocol, such as the playing of the national anthem, the presentation of the colors, or the firing of a salute.
  7. Family and friends: The ceremony may be attended by the new general's family and friends, who are often invited to witness this significant milestone in the officer's career.

Some examples of decoration ceremonies for new generals include:

Overall, the decoration of new generals in the army is a significant ceremony that marks a major milestone in an officer's career and recognizes their achievements and qualifications for the rank.