Deco news

Deco News! Here are some recent and interesting news articles related to design, architecture, and lifestyle:


  1. Sustainable Design: IKEA launches a new sustainable design initiative, aiming to reduce waste and carbon emissions in their products and operations. (Source: Dezeen)
  2. Minimalist Furniture: The latest trend in furniture design is all about minimalism, with a focus on simplicity, functionality, and sustainability. (Source: Architectural Digest)
  3. Biophilic Design: Biophilic design, which incorporates natural elements into buildings, is gaining popularity as a way to improve mental and physical health. (Source: Fast Company)


  1. Sustainable Architecture: The world's first carbon-neutral skyscraper has been completed in Dubai, featuring a unique design that generates more energy than it consumes. (Source: CNN)
  2. Innovative Materials: Researchers have developed a new type of concrete that can self-heal cracks, reducing the need for costly repairs. (Source: The Verge)
  3. Urban Planning: A new urban planning initiative aims to create more livable cities by incorporating green spaces, public transportation, and mixed-use development. (Source: The Guardian)


  1. Wellness Trends: The wellness industry is booming, with a focus on mindfulness, meditation, and self-care. (Source: Forbes)
  2. Sustainable Living: More people are adopting sustainable living habits, such as reducing plastic use, eating plant-based, and conserving energy. (Source: HuffPost)
  3. Home Decor: The latest home decor trends include a focus on minimalism, natural materials, and statement pieces. (Source: Elle Decor)

These are just a few examples of the latest news and trends in design, architecture, and lifestyle. Stay tuned for more updates!