December new month prayer

Here's a December new month prayer:

Dear God,

As we welcome the month of December, we come before you with gratitude and humility. We thank you for the blessings of the past month and for the opportunities you have given us to grow and learn.

As we enter this new month, we ask that you guide us and direct us. Help us to stay focused on our goals and to prioritize what is truly important. Give us wisdom and discernment as we make decisions and navigate the challenges that lie ahead.

We also ask that you bless us with joy and peace. Help us to find joy in the simple things and to appreciate the beauty of the world around us. Give us peace in our hearts and minds, and help us to stay calm and centered in the midst of chaos.

As we celebrate the holiday season, we ask that you help us to remember the true meaning of Christmas. Help us to keep our focus on Jesus and to share His love with others. Give us opportunities to serve and to bless others, and help us to be a light in the darkness.

We pray for those who are struggling and in need. We ask that you provide for them and comfort them, and that you give us opportunities to serve and to make a difference in their lives.

Finally, we ask that you help us to stay connected with you and with each other. Help us to prioritize our relationships and to build each other up. Give us a sense of community and belonging, and help us to feel your presence in our lives.

Thank you for this new month, dear God. We are grateful for your love and your guidance. Help us to make the most of this month and to bring glory to your name.
