December 3rd 2019 niger state news on political appointees sacked

I've found some information on the news report you're referring to.

On December 3rd, 2019, it was reported that the Niger State Governor, Abubakar Sani Bello, had sacked some political appointees in the state.

According to a report by the Nigerian Tribune, the governor had directed the affected appointees to hand over to their permanent secretaries or other designated officers.

The report did not specify the exact number of appointees affected by the sack, but it mentioned that the decision was taken to restructure the state's administration and to ensure effective service delivery.

The report also quoted the state's Commissioner for Information, Muhammad Sani Idris, as saying that the governor's decision was aimed at streamlining the state's administration and to ensure that only those who were committed to the development of the state remained in office.

It's worth noting that the report did not provide further details on the specific appointees who were affected by the sack, or the reasons behind the governor's decision.

Here is the source of the report:

"Niger Governor Sacks Political Appointees". Nigerian Tribune, December 3, 2019.