Debitum network news

Debitum Network is a peer-to-peer lending platform that connects borrowers with investors. Here are some recent news and updates about Debitum Network:

Recent News:

  1. Debitum Network reaches €10 million in loan originations: In October 2022, Debitum Network announced that it had reached a milestone of €10 million in loan originations since its inception. This achievement demonstrates the platform's growing popularity and success in connecting borrowers with investors.
  2. Debitum Network expands to new markets: In September 2022, Debitum Network announced its expansion to new markets, including the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary. This expansion aims to increase the platform's reach and provide more investment opportunities for investors.
  3. Debitum Network introduces new loan product: In August 2022, Debitum Network introduced a new loan product, "Debitum Business Loans," which offers loans to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the European Union. This new product aims to provide more diversified investment opportunities for investors.

Industry Recognition:

  1. Debitum Network recognized as one of the top P2P lending platforms: In June 2022, Debitum Network was recognized as one of the top peer-to-peer lending platforms in Europe by the online lending platform, Lending Times.
  2. Debitum Network receives award for innovation: In May 2022, Debitum Network received an award for innovation in the fintech industry at the annual Fintech Awards ceremony.

Company Updates:

  1. Debitum Network appoints new CEO: In July 2022, Debitum Network appointed a new CEO, who brings extensive experience in the fintech and lending industries.
  2. Debitum Network expands its team: In August 2022, Debitum Network announced the expansion of its team, including new hires in the areas of marketing, sales, and operations.

Market Trends:

  1. P2P lending market growth: The peer-to-peer lending market has been growing rapidly, with an estimated global value of over $100 billion in 2022. Debitum Network is well-positioned to benefit from this growth trend.
  2. Increased demand for alternative lending: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift towards alternative lending, as traditional lending channels have become more restrictive. Debitum Network's platform is well-suited to meet this growing demand.

These are just a few recent news and updates about Debitum Network. If you're interested in learning more, I recommend visiting the company's website or following their social media channels for the latest information.