Death toll rises to four at site of collapsed building in lekki lagos the eagle online

It's with great sadness that I read about the tragic incident in Lekki, Lagos. The collapse of a building has resulted in the loss of four lives, and my heart goes out to the families and loved ones affected by this devastating event.

According to the report from The Eagle Online, the building collapse occurred in Lekki, Lagos, and the death toll has risen to four. I can only imagine the shock, grief, and trauma that the victims' families must be experiencing.

It's crucial that the authorities and emergency responders work swiftly to rescue any remaining survivors and provide support to those affected. Additionally, a thorough investigation should be conducted to determine the cause of the collapse and ensure that measures are taken to prevent such tragedies from happening in the future.

I hope that the community comes together to provide comfort and support to those affected by this tragedy. May the memories of the victims be a blessing, and may their families find strength and solace in the days ahead.