Death new advent

You're referring to the "New Advent" website, which is a comprehensive online resource for Catholic information and resources. Specifically, you're looking for information on death and the afterlife from a Catholic perspective.

Here are some relevant articles and resources from New Advent:

  1. Death and the Afterlife: This article provides an overview of Catholic teaching on death, the intermediate state, and the final judgment.
  2. The Intermediate State: This article explores the Catholic understanding of the intermediate state, also known as purgatory, where souls are purified before entering heaven.
  3. The Final Judgment: This article discusses the Catholic teaching on the final judgment, where all souls will be judged by God and either sent to heaven, hell, or purgatory.
  4. The Beatific Vision: This article explains the Catholic concept of the beatific vision, where the blessed in heaven see God face-to-face and experience eternal joy and happiness.
  5. The Communion of Saints: This article discusses the Catholic understanding of the communion of saints, where all believers, living and dead, are united in Christ and share in his life and glory.

Additionally, New Advent offers a range of other resources on death and the afterlife, including:

I hope these resources are helpful in your exploration of Catholic teaching on death and the afterlife!