Dean shareski new photos

Dean Shareski is a well-known educational technology consultant and blogger. He regularly shares his thoughts, insights, and experiences on his blog and social media channels.

If you're looking for new photos from Dean Shareski, you can try the following:

  1. Check his blog: Dean Shareski's blog is a great place to find new photos, as well as articles and reflections on education, technology, and teaching. You can visit his blog at
  2. Follow him on social media: Dean Shareski is active on various social media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. You can follow him on these platforms to see his latest photos and updates.
  3. Look for his presentations: Dean Shareski is a popular presenter at educational conferences and events. You can find his presentations on his blog or on platforms like SlideShare, where he shares his slides and notes from his talks.
  4. Check out his YouTube channel: Dean Shareski has a YouTube channel where he shares his thoughts on education and technology. You can find his videos on his channel or on the YouTube website.

Some recent photos from Dean Shareski include: