Dean ornish new book

Dean Ornish, a renowned physician and researcher, has written several books on the topics of heart disease, nutrition, and lifestyle medicine. Here are a few of his notable books:

  1. "Eat More, Weigh Less" (1993) - This book focuses on the importance of plant-based eating and provides a comprehensive guide to healthy eating.
  2. "Reversing Heart Disease" (1996) - In this book, Ornish presents his groundbreaking research on the reversal of heart disease through lifestyle changes, including a plant-based diet, stress reduction, and social support.
  3. "Love & Survival" (1998) - This book explores the connection between love, relationships, and health, and provides practical advice on how to build strong, supportive relationships.
  4. "The Spectrum" (2007) - In this book, Ornish discusses the importance of individualized approaches to health and wellness, and provides a framework for understanding the complex interplay between genetics, environment, and lifestyle.
  5. "Undo It!" (2013) - This book provides a comprehensive guide to reversing and preventing chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, through lifestyle changes.

Dean Ornish's most recent book is:

  1. "Overcoming Anxiety and Depression" (2020) - In this book, Ornish draws on his extensive research and clinical experience to provide a comprehensive guide to overcoming anxiety and depression. He presents a holistic approach that combines lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, with mindfulness and stress-reduction techniques.

All of Dean Ornish's books are highly acclaimed and have been widely read and respected in the fields of medicine, nutrition, and wellness.