Dean ambrose new look

Dean Ambrose, now known as Jon Moxley, has undergone a significant transformation in his wrestling persona and appearance since leaving WWE and joining All Elite Wrestling (AEW).

Here are some key changes to his look:

  1. Hair: Gone is the signature messy, shaggy hair that was a hallmark of his Dean Ambrose persona. Moxley now sports a shorter, more styled haircut.
  2. Beard: Moxley has traded in his scruffy beard for a cleaner-shaven look, giving him a more refined appearance.
  3. Attire: While still favoring a more laid-back, casual style, Moxley's wardrobe has become more streamlined and modern. He often wears sleek, high-tech clothing and accessories.
  4. Tattoos: Moxley has added a few new tattoos to his collection, including a prominent sleeve on his left arm.
  5. Facial hair: Moxley has experimented with different facial hair styles, including a goatee and a mustache, but has mostly stuck to a clean-shaven look.
  6. Body language: Moxley's body language has become more intense and aggressive, reflecting his in-ring persona as a hard-hitting, no-nonsense wrestler.

These changes have helped Moxley establish a new identity as Jon Moxley, a more refined and polished version of his former self.