Deal breaker questions

The infamous "deal breaker" questions! These are questions that can potentially reveal whether a relationship is compatible or not. Here are some examples of deal breaker questions that couples may ask each other:

Values and Beliefs

  1. Do you believe in monogamy, and are you willing to commit to it?
  2. Are you pro-choice or pro-life?
  3. Do you believe in God or a higher power?
  4. Are you open to having children, and if so, how many?
  5. Do you support same-sex marriage?

Relationship Goals

  1. What are your expectations for our relationship in the next 5-10 years?
  2. Are you looking for a long-term commitment, or do you want to keep things casual?
  3. Do you want to get married, and if so, when?
  4. Are you willing to work through conflicts and challenges together?
  5. Do you prioritize building a life together or maintaining individual independence?

Communication and Trust

  1. How do you handle conflicts and disagreements in a relationship?
  2. Are you willing to listen to each other's concerns and work through issues together?
  3. Can you trust each other to be honest and transparent?
  4. How do you handle jealousy or insecurity in a relationship?
  5. Are you comfortable with each other's past relationships and experiences?

Personal Habits and Lifestyle

  1. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  2. Do you have any habits that might be difficult for your partner to live with (e.g., snoring, smoking)?
  3. Are you willing to compromise on things like cleanliness, organization, or entertainment?
  4. Do you have any allergies or health conditions that might impact your partner?
  5. Are you comfortable with your partner's social media use or online activities?

Financial and Practical

  1. How do you handle finances and budgeting in a relationship?
  2. Are you willing to combine your finances or maintain separate accounts?
  3. Do you have any debt or financial obligations that might impact your partner?
  4. Are you comfortable with your partner's spending habits or financial priorities?
  5. How do you plan to handle major purchases or investments together?

Remember, every couple is unique, and what might be a deal breaker for one couple might not be for another. It's essential to communicate openly and honestly about your expectations, values, and goals to ensure you're compatible and on the same page.