Deal breaker questions to ask a guy

The art of asking deal-breaker questions! It's essential to find out if you're compatible with someone before investing your time and emotions. Here are some deal-breaker questions to ask a guy:

Values and Beliefs

  1. What are your non-negotiable values in a relationship? Are there any deal-breakers for you?
  2. How do you feel about commitment? Are you looking for something serious, or do you prefer to keep things casual?
  3. What are your beliefs about marriage, kids, and family planning?
  4. How do you handle conflicts or disagreements in a relationship?
  5. Are you open to compromise, or do you prefer to get your way?

Relationship Goals

  1. What are your expectations for our relationship? Are you looking for something long-term or short-term?
  2. How do you define a healthy relationship? What are your deal-breakers in a relationship?
  3. Are you willing to work through challenges and difficulties together, or do you expect things to come easily?
  4. How do you prioritize your partner's needs and feelings?
  5. Are you comfortable with public displays of affection, or do you prefer to keep things private?

Communication and Trust

  1. How do you communicate effectively in a relationship? Are you an open book, or do you keep things to yourself?
  2. How do you handle trust issues or infidelity in a relationship?
  3. Are you willing to listen to your partner's concerns and work through issues together?
  4. How do you prioritize honesty and transparency in a relationship?
  5. Are you comfortable with vulnerability and openness in a relationship?

Personal Growth and Independence

  1. How do you prioritize your personal growth and development?
  2. Are you comfortable with your partner having their own interests, hobbies, and friends outside of the relationship?
  3. How do you handle jealousy or insecurity in a relationship?
  4. Are you willing to support your partner's goals and aspirations, even if they differ from your own?
  5. How do you balance your need for independence with your desire for connection and intimacy in a relationship?

Deal-Breaker Red Flags

  1. Have you ever cheated on a partner or been unfaithful in a relationship? Why or why not?
  2. Have you ever been abusive or violent in a relationship? How do you handle anger or frustration?
  3. Have you ever lied to a partner or hidden important information from them? Why?
  4. Have you ever prioritized your own needs over your partner's needs or feelings? Why?
  5. Are you willing to work through issues and challenges together, or do you expect your partner to fix everything?

Remember, these questions are meant to help you gauge compatibility and identify potential deal-breakers. Approach the conversation with an open mind, and be prepared to listen to his thoughts and feelings.