De gea backed by ex man utd keeper bosnich after keane arrogance claims

It seems like there's been some controversy surrounding David de Gea and Roy Keane's comments about the Manchester United goalkeeper.

For those who may not be aware, Roy Keane, a former Manchester United player and current pundit, recently criticized David de Gea, saying that the goalkeeper's lack of communication with his defenders was a major issue. Keane also implied that de Gea's ego and arrogance were contributing factors to the team's defensive problems.

However, it seems like de Gea has received some support from an unexpected quarter - Mark Bosnich, a former goalkeeper and a fellow Australian, who played for Aston Villa and Chelsea in the Premier League.

According to reports, Bosnich has come out in defense of de Gea, saying that Keane's comments were unfair and that de Gea is an excellent goalkeeper who has been unfairly criticized. Bosnich also praised de Gea's work ethic and dedication to his craft, saying that he is a true professional who always gives his best.

It's interesting to see a former goalkeeper like Bosnich coming out in support of de Gea, especially given the controversy surrounding Keane's comments. It's clear that opinions on de Gea's performance are divided, but it's great to see someone like Bosnich speaking out in defense of the goalkeeper.

Do you think Keane's comments were justified, or do you think de Gea is being unfairly criticized?