Dclm daily manna when mans history doesnt help gospel hotspot

A great topic!

Here's a summary of the DCLM Daily Manna devotional for today, focusing on the theme "When Man's History Doesn't Help" from Gospel Hotspot:

Text: Psalm 78:2-4, 9-12

Title: When Man's History Doesn't Help


In Psalm 78, the psalmist laments the Israelites' failure to learn from their history. Despite God's mighty works and deliverances, they continued to rebel against Him. The psalmist says, "How long will ye forget the rock of your strength, the rock from whence ye were cut, and the hole of the pit, the rock of thy strength?" (v. 9).

The psalmist is saying that when man's history doesn't help, God's history is what we need to focus on. We need to remember God's mighty works and the lessons He taught us through them. When we forget God's history, we are likely to repeat the mistakes of the past.


In our own lives, we may face challenges that seem insurmountable. We may feel like we're stuck in a rut, and our past experiences don't seem to be helping us. But the Bible reminds us that God's history is what we need to focus on. We need to remember His mighty works, His deliverances, and His faithfulness.

When we focus on God's history, we are reminded of His power and His ability to deliver us from any situation. We are reminded that He is the same God who delivered the Israelites from slavery and who parted the Red Sea. We are reminded that He is the same God who raised Jesus Christ from the dead and who is still alive today.


Dear Lord, help me to remember Your mighty works and the lessons You taught me through them. Help me to focus on Your history and not on my own. I know that when I do, I will be reminded of Your power and Your ability to deliver me from any situation. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.


Take some time to reflect on God's mighty works in your life. Think about the times He delivered you from difficult situations or provided for your needs. Remember the lessons He taught you through those experiences, and ask yourself if you're still applying those lessons today.


Make a conscious effort to focus on God's history today. Read about His mighty works in the Bible, and ask Him to remind you of them throughout the day. Ask Him to help you apply the lessons He taught you through those experiences to your current situation.

I hope this summary was helpful!