Dclm daily manna favour deserves faithfulness

What a powerful and timely message!

The Daily Manna devotional for today is indeed a reminder that "FAVOUR DESERVES FAITHFULNESS". Let's break it down:

FAVOUR refers to the blessings, benefits, and good things that God has bestowed upon us. It's the manifestation of His love, care, and provision in our lives.

DESERVES implies that we have earned or merited these blessings through our obedience, trust, and loyalty to God. It's not just a one-way street; our response to God's favour is expected to be one of faithfulness.

FAITHFULNESS is the quality of being loyal, reliable, and consistent in our relationship with God. It's about being true to our commitments, promises, and vows to Him.

The message is clear: when God shows us favour, we must respond with faithfulness. This means:

  1. Staying committed to our walk with God, even when the road gets tough.
  2. Being obedient to His commands and leading, even when it's hard or uncomfortable.
  3. Maintaining trust in His goodness, sovereignty, and love, even when we don't understand what's happening.
  4. Practicing gratitude for the blessings we receive, and acknowledging God's hand in our lives.

When we respond to God's favour with faithfulness, we can expect:

  1. Increased favour from God, as He sees our loyalty and commitment.
  2. Greater blessings and benefits, as we continue to trust and obey Him.
  3. Deeper intimacy with God, as we grow in our relationship with Him.

May today's devotional inspire us to respond to God's favour with faithfulness, and may we experience the fullness of His blessings and benefits in our lives!