Dc new 52 metallo

Metallo, the iconic DC Comics villain, got a reboot in the New 52 era. Here's a brief summary:

New 52 Metallo

Metallo, also known as John Corben, is a cyborg with a metal body and a hatred for Superman. In the New 52 universe, Metallo's origin is similar to the classic version, but with some changes.

John Corben was a journalist who was investigating a story on a corrupt businessman. When he stumbled upon a lead, he was attacked and left for dead. A group of mercenaries, hired by the businessman, attempted to kill him, but Corben managed to survive. However, his injuries were severe, and he was left with a metal body, courtesy of a cybernetic implant.

Corben's transformation into Metallo was accelerated by his hatred for Superman, whom he blamed for his condition. He became obsessed with destroying the Man of Steel and took on the persona of Metallo.

New 52 Metallo's Powers

As a cyborg, Metallo has enhanced strength, speed, and agility. He also has the ability to project energy blasts from his eyes and can fly using his metal body. Additionally, he has a powerful Kryptonite-infused heart, which makes him nearly invulnerable to Superman's heat vision and other Kryptonian attacks.

New 52 Metallo's Storyline

Metallo first appeared in "Action Comics" #2 (2011) and quickly became a recurring villain in the Superman titles. He was initially portrayed as a one-dimensional character, driven solely by his hatred for Superman. However, as the series progressed, his backstory and motivations were explored in more depth.

In "Action Comics" #10-11 (2012), Metallo's origin was retconned, and his connection to the businessman was revealed. This storyline also introduced his wife, who was also a victim of the businessman's corruption.

Metallo's most notable storyline in the New 52 era was "Action Comics" #23.1 (2013), where he clashed with Superman in a brutal battle. This issue marked a turning point in Metallo's character development, as he began to question his motivations and the true nature of his hatred for Superman.

New 52 Metallo's Legacy

Metallo's reboot in the New 52 era was well-received by fans and critics alike. His updated design and backstory added depth to the character, making him a more complex and formidable villain. His conflicts with Superman were some of the most memorable in the New 52 era, and his character has continued to evolve in the DC Universe.

Overall, the New 52 Metallo is a great example of how a classic villain can be reimagined and updated for a new generation of readers.