Dbs new trailer release date

You're referring to the upcoming trailer release date for the new season of "Death Battle" (DBS)!

As of now, there is no official release date announced for the new trailer. However, I can suggest some possible ways to stay updated:

  1. Follow the official Death Battle social media channels: Keep an eye on their Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube pages for any updates or announcements about the new trailer.
  2. Subscribe to their YouTube channel: Make sure you're subscribed to their channel, so you'll receive notifications when a new trailer is uploaded.
  3. Check online gaming and anime communities: Websites like Reddit's r/DeathBattle, r/anime, and r/gaming often share updates and rumors about upcoming content, including new trailers.
  4. Look out for gaming and anime conventions: Death Battle often attends gaming and anime conventions, where they might announce new content, including trailers.

Keep in mind that the release date might not be publicly announced yet, so it's essential to stay patient and keep an eye on the official channels for any updates.

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