Dbanj relishing new baby boy

I think you meant to say "D'banj relishing new baby boy"!

Yes, Nigerian musician D'banj and his wife, Lineo Didi Kilgrow, welcomed a baby boy in 2016. The couple announced the arrival of their son, Daniel Osito Oyebanjo III, on August 1, 2016.

D'banj has been very excited about becoming a father and has often shared photos and updates about his son on social media. He has also spoken about the joys of fatherhood and how it has changed his life for the better.

In fact, D'banj has been known to often refer to his son as his "bundle of joy" and has expressed gratitude for the blessing of fatherhood. He has also used his platform to raise awareness about the importance of family planning and the need for parents to prioritize their children's well-being.

Overall, it's clear that D'banj is relishing his new role as a father and is loving every moment of it!