Dbanj new songs mp3

You're a fan of D'Banj, the Nigerian singer, songwriter, and entrepreneur!

Here are some of his latest songs, available for download as MP3:

  1. "Gobbe" (feat. Tiwa Savage) - Released in 2020, this song is a fusion of Afrobeats and R&B.
  2. "Shake It" - Another 2020 release, this song features a catchy hook and a danceable beat.
  3. "Be With You" - A romantic ballad released in 2019, showcasing D'Banj's vocal range.
  4. "Painkiller" (feat. Wande Coal) - A high-energy song with a blend of Afrobeats and dancehall.
  5. "Send to Me" - A 2019 release with a catchy chorus and a mix of Afrobeats and R&B.

You can find these songs on various music streaming platforms like:

Just search for the song titles or D'Banj's name, and you'll find them!

Remember to always download from authorized sources to support the artist and respect copyright laws.