Dayly war news in afghanistan

Here are the latest daily war news updates from Afghanistan:

Date: March 10, 2023

Taliban Claims Responsibility for Deadly Attack on Afghan Military Base

The Taliban has claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing attack on an Afghan military base in the eastern province of Nangarhar, which killed at least 12 soldiers and wounded several others. The attack occurred early in the morning when a suicide bomber detonated his explosives at the entrance of the base.

US Airstrike Kills Senior Taliban Commander

A US airstrike has killed a senior Taliban commander in the southern province of Helmand, according to local officials. The commander, identified as Mullah Abdul Manan, was responsible for leading Taliban operations in the province.

Afghan Security Forces Repel Taliban Attack in Kunduz Province

Afghan security forces have repelled a Taliban attack on a checkpoint in the northern province of Kunduz, killing several insurgents and wounding others. The attack occurred late at night when a group of Taliban fighters attempted to overrun the checkpoint.

UN Warns of Growing Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan

The United Nations has warned of a growing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, citing the country's deteriorating economic situation and the ongoing conflict. The UN has appealed for international aid to support the millions of Afghans who are struggling to access basic necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare.

Taliban Imposes Strict Curfew in Kabul

The Taliban has imposed a strict curfew in the capital city of Kabul, banning all movement between 10pm and 4am. The curfew is part of the Taliban's efforts to maintain security in the city and prevent attacks by rival groups.

International Community Condemns Taliban's Human Rights Abuses

The international community has condemned the Taliban's human rights abuses, including the treatment of women and minorities. The Taliban has been accused of restricting women's rights, forcing them to wear the burqa, and imposing harsh punishments for crimes such as adultery and theft.

Afghanistan's Economy in Shambles

Afghanistan's economy is in shambles, with the country's currency, the afghani, plummeting in value and inflation soaring. The economy has been severely impacted by the conflict and the withdrawal of international aid.

Taliban Seizes Control of Key Border Crossing

The Taliban has seized control of a key border crossing with Pakistan, giving the group control over a major trade route. The seizure of the border crossing has raised concerns about the flow of goods and people into and out of Afghanistan.

US and Taliban Negotiate Prisoner Swap

The US and the Taliban are negotiating a prisoner swap, with the US seeking the release of several American citizens and the Taliban seeking the release of hundreds of its fighters. The negotiations are part of the US-Taliban peace agreement signed in 2020.

Please note that the news updates are subject to change and may not be up-to-date.