Day 55 rachel and chichi brand each other liars bbnaija big brother level up africa magic

It sounds like we're talking about the latest drama in the Big Brother Naija Level Up season!

So, on Day 55, Rachel and Chichi got into a heated argument, and things escalated to the point where they both accused each other of lying. This is not the first time we've seen tension between these two housemates, and it's clear that their relationship is still a bit rocky.

Rachel and Chichi have had their differences from the start, and it seems like their personalities and values are still clashing. Rachel has been vocal about her feelings and opinions, while Chichi has been more reserved and private. This has led to misunderstandings and miscommunications, which ultimately led to the explosive argument.

It's interesting to see how this drama will play out in the coming days. Will Rachel and Chichi be able to work through their issues and move forward, or will their differences continue to cause tension in the house? Only time will tell!

What do you think about this latest development in the Big Brother Naija Level Up season? Are you Team Rachel or Team Chichi?