Day 26 sheggz gists with doyin about adekunle bbnaija big brother level up africa magic

I think I can help you with that!

Day 26 of Big Brother Naija Level Up Africa Magic, and it seems like Sheggz and Doyin had a juicy conversation about Adekunle.

From what I gathered, Sheggz and Doyin were chatting about Adekunle's behavior in the house, and how he's been acting a bit strange lately. Sheggz mentioned that Adekunle has been distant and not as open as he used to be, and Doyin agreed, saying that she's noticed it too.

They also talked about how Adekunle has been getting close to some of the other housemates, like Chomzy, and how it's making them wonder if he's playing a game or if he's genuinely interested in getting to know them.

Sheggz also shared that he's been feeling a bit left out since Adekunle started spending more time with others, and Doyin reassured him that he's not alone in feeling that way.

It seems like the conversation was a bit of a venting session for both of them, as they both expressed their concerns and frustrations about Adekunle's behavior.

What do you think about this conversation? Are you Team Adekunle or do you think he's playing a game?