Dawnload new development tools software for free

Here are some popular free development tools software that you can download:

Programming Languages

  1. Visual Studio Code (Windows, macOS, Linux): A lightweight, open-source code editor with extensions for various programming languages.
  2. Sublime Text (Windows, macOS, Linux): A popular code editor with a free license for non-commercial use.
  3. Atom (Windows, macOS, Linux): A customizable, open-source code editor with a large community of developers.

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

  1. Eclipse (Windows, macOS, Linux): A popular, open-source IDE with support for various programming languages.
  2. NetBeans (Windows, macOS, Linux): A free, open-source IDE with support for Java, PHP, and other languages.
  3. IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition (Windows, macOS, Linux): A free version of the popular IntelliJ IDEA IDE with limited features.

Version Control Systems

  1. Git (Windows, macOS, Linux): A popular, open-source version control system.
  2. TortoiseGit (Windows): A free, open-source Git client with a graphical interface.
  3. GitHub Desktop (Windows, macOS): A free, open-source Git client with a graphical interface.

Debugging and Testing Tools

  1. Postman (Windows, macOS, Linux): A free, popular tool for testing and debugging APIs.
  2. Fiddler (Windows): A free, popular tool for debugging and testing web applications.
  3. Cypress (Windows, macOS, Linux): A free, open-source testing framework for web applications.

Database Management Systems

  1. MySQL (Windows, macOS, Linux): A popular, open-source relational database management system.
  2. PostgreSQL (Windows, macOS, Linux): A popular, open-source relational database management system.
  3. MongoDB (Windows, macOS, Linux): A popular, open-source NoSQL database management system.

Other Tools

  1. Notepad++ (Windows): A free, popular text editor with syntax highlighting and code completion.
  2. FileZilla (Windows, macOS, Linux): A free, open-source FTP client with a graphical interface.
  3. WinSCP (Windows): A free, open-source SFTP client with a graphical interface.

Remember to always check the system requirements and compatibility of each tool before downloading and installing.