Dawn news

You're looking for news from Dawn, a popular English-language newspaper in Pakistan!

Here are some recent headlines from Dawn:

Top Stories

  1. Pakistan's economy in crisis: The country's foreign exchange reserves have plummeted to a record low, sparking concerns about the economy's stability.
  2. Imran Khan's party wins by-elections: The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has won several by-elections, boosting the party's morale ahead of the next general elections.
  3. Taliban attack kills 12 soldiers: A Taliban suicide bombing in northwestern Pakistan has killed 12 soldiers and injured several others.
  4. Pakistan's climate change woes: The country is facing severe climate-related challenges, including droughts, floods, and heatwaves, which are affecting agriculture and food security.
  5. India-Pakistan tensions escalate: Tensions between the two nuclear-armed neighbors have escalated over the past few weeks, with both sides exchanging accusations and threats.

International News

  1. US-Iran tensions: The United States and Iran are engaged in a war of words, with both sides trading accusations and threats.
  2. UK-EU trade talks: The United Kingdom and the European Union are negotiating a post-Brexit trade deal, with both sides facing significant challenges.
  3. China's economic growth slows: China's economic growth has slowed to its lowest level in nearly three decades, sparking concerns about the global economy.
  4. Hong Kong protests continue: Pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong have continued for several months, with the government and protesters locked in a standoff.
  5. Middle East peace process: The Middle East peace process is stalled, with the United States and Israel at odds over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

These are just a few of the top stories from Dawn. If you're interested in reading more, I can provide you with a link to the newspaper's website or help you find specific articles.