Davidos daughter imade rides her little wrangler jeep inside their mansion

I think there may be some misinformation here!

Imade Adeleke is the daughter of Nigerian musician David Adeleke, also known as Davido. While Imade is indeed Davido's daughter, I highly doubt that she rides a Little Wrangler Jeep inside their mansion.

Firstly, Little Wrangler is a toy brand that produces miniature toy vehicles, not a real car brand. So, it's unlikely that Imade would be riding a Little Wrangler Jeep, let alone inside her father's mansion!

Secondly, even if Imade did have a toy Jeep, it's unlikely that she would be riding it inside her father's mansion. Mansions typically have strict rules about toy vehicles and safety concerns, not to mention the potential damage to the property.

Lastly, Imade is a young child, and it's unlikely that she would be allowed to ride a toy vehicle, let alone a real car, inside her father's mansion without proper supervision and safety measures.

So, while Imade is indeed Davido's daughter, I think this scenario is purely fictional!