Davido new ice chain

You're referring to Davido's new ice chain!

Davido, the Nigerian musician, has been known for his love of luxury and flashy jewelry. Recently, he took to social media to show off his new ice chain, which has been making waves online.

The chain is a custom-made piece featuring a massive ice pendant in the shape of a lion's head, surrounded by smaller diamonds and ice cubes. The chain itself is made of iced-out links, adding to the overall bling factor.

Fans and fellow celebrities have been going wild over the chain, with many praising Davido for his bold fashion sense. Some have even joked that the chain is so big, it needs its own Instagram account!

Here are some reactions from fans and celebrities:

Of course, not everyone is a fan of the chain. Some have criticized Davido for spending so much money on jewelry, especially during these economic times.

What do you think of Davido's new ice chain? Love it or hate it?