Davido and new daughter pictures

You're referring to Davido's new baby girl, Hailey Veronica Adeleke!

Here are some adorable pictures of Davido and his new daughter:

First Photos

Davido shared the first photos of his daughter on Instagram, and they quickly went viral. Here are a few:

[Image description: A photo of Davido holding his newborn daughter, Hailey Veronica Adeleke, in his arms. He's smiling and looking down at her with love.]

[Image description: A photo of Davido and his daughter, Hailey, with her tiny hands wrapped around his finger.]

More Photos

Here are a few more photos of Davido and his daughter:

[Image description: A photo of Davido cuddling his daughter, Hailey, on his chest. She's sleeping peacefully.]

[Image description: A photo of Davido and his daughter, Hailey, during a family outing. She's sitting in a stroller, and Davido is pushing her.]

Special Moments

Davido has also shared some special moments with his daughter on social media, including:

[Image description: A photo of Davido singing to his daughter, Hailey, while she sleeps in his arms.]

[Image description: A photo of Davido and his daughter, Hailey, during a bath time. He's washing her hair, and she's giggling.]

These photos are truly heartwarming, and it's clear that Davido is loving every moment with his new daughter!