David ibiyeomie news today with paul eneche

I'm assuming you're referring to the news about David Ibiyeomie, a Nigerian pastor, and his association with Paul Enenche, another prominent Nigerian pastor. Here's a summary of the latest news:


David Ibiyeomie is the founder and Senior Pastor of Salvation Ministries, a popular Christian ministry based in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Paul Enenche is the Senior Pastor of Dunamis International Gospel Centre, another prominent Christian ministry in Nigeria.

Recent News

Recently, there have been reports of a rift between David Ibiyeomie and Paul Enenche. The exact nature of the disagreement is not publicly disclosed, but it appears to be related to a perceived slight or insult directed at Ibiyeomie by Enenche.

Statement by David Ibiyeomie

In a recent statement, Ibiyeomie accused Enenche of disrespecting him and his ministry. He claimed that Enenche had made some comments that were perceived as an attack on his character and ministry. Ibiyeomie also threatened to take legal action against Enenche if he failed to apologize and retract his statements.

Response from Paul Enenche

Enenche has since responded to Ibiyeomie's allegations, denying any wrongdoing. He claimed that his comments were taken out of context and that he had no intention of disrespecting Ibiyeomie or his ministry. Enenche also accused Ibiyeomie of being overly sensitive and threatened to take legal action against him if he continued to make false accusations.

Reactions from Other Christian Leaders

The controversy has sparked a heated debate among Christian leaders in Nigeria, with some supporting Ibiyeomie's stance while others are calling for calm and reconciliation. Some have also expressed concern about the potential damage to the reputation of Christianity in Nigeria.

Ongoing Developments

The situation is still unfolding, and it's unclear how the controversy will be resolved. Both parties have threatened legal action, and the matter is currently before the courts. The Christian community in Nigeria is closely watching the developments, hoping for a peaceful resolution.

Please note that the accuracy of the information may vary depending on the source, and it's always a good idea to verify information through reputable news outlets or official statements from the parties involved.