Dataflow new ticket

A dataflow new ticket command!

In Dataflow, a ticket is a way to represent a unit of work that needs to be processed. When you run dataflow new ticket, you're creating a new ticket in your Dataflow pipeline.

Here's what you can expect:

  1. Create a new ticket: Dataflow will create a new ticket with a unique ID, which represents a unit of work that needs to be processed.
  2. Specify the ticket type: You can specify the type of ticket you want to create, such as a DataflowTicket or a CompositeTicket.
  3. Define the ticket's properties: You can define various properties for the ticket, such as the input data, output data, and any additional metadata.
  4. Add the ticket to the pipeline: The new ticket will be added to your Dataflow pipeline, where it will be processed according to the pipeline's configuration.

Here's an example of how you might use the dataflow new ticket command:

dataflow new ticket --type DataflowTicket --input-data my_input_data.json --output-data my_output_data.json

This command creates a new DataflowTicket with the input data file my_input_data.json and the output data file my_output_data.json.

Note that the exact syntax and options may vary depending on your Dataflow version and configuration. Be sure to check the Dataflow documentation for more information on creating tickets and managing your pipeline.