Data science news

Here are some recent data science news and updates:

1. Google's AutoML: Google has announced AutoML, a new machine learning platform that allows users to train custom machine learning models without requiring extensive machine learning expertise.

2. Open-source Data Science Platform: Databricks, a company founded by the creators of Apache Spark, has launched an open-source data science platform that allows data scientists to collaborate and build data pipelines.

3. AI-powered Chatbots: A new study by Stanford University has shown that AI-powered chatbots can be used to improve mental health outcomes by providing personalized support and therapy.

4. Data Science Jobs: According to a new report by Glassdoor, data science is one of the top 10 most in-demand jobs in the US, with a median salary of $118,000.

5. Explainable AI: A new paper by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, has proposed a new approach to explainable AI, which uses visualizations to help users understand how AI models make decisions.

6. Data Science Education: A new report by the Data Science Council of America (DASCA) has highlighted the need for more data science education and training programs to meet the growing demand for data science talent.

7. AI-powered Healthcare: A new study by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, has shown that AI-powered healthcare systems can improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.

8. Data Science Tools: A new report by Datamation has highlighted the top 10 data science tools and technologies, including Python, R, and Tableau.

9. AI-powered Marketing: A new study by researchers at the University of Oxford has shown that AI-powered marketing campaigns can increase customer engagement and conversion rates.

10. Data Science Ethics: A new report by the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems has highlighted the need for data science professionals to consider ethical implications of their work.

11. Data Science Conferences: Upcoming data science conferences include Strata Data Conference, Data Science Summit, and KDD Conference.

12. Data Science Books: New data science books include "Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow" by Aurélien Géron and "Data Science for Business" by Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett.

These are just a few of the many data science news and updates that have been published recently. I hope you find them interesting and informative!