Data science conference in new york

Here are some popular data science conferences in New York:

  1. Strata Data Conference (New York, March): A leading conference on big data, Hadoop, Spark, and more.
  2. Data Science Conference (New York, June): A conference focused on data science, machine learning, and AI.
  3. KDD Conference (New York, August): The premier international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining.
  4. NYC Data Science Conference (New York, September): A conference featuring talks, workshops, and networking opportunities for data scientists.
  5. AI & Data Science Summit (New York, October): A conference focused on AI, machine learning, and data science, with a focus on practical applications.
  6. Data Engineering Summit (New York, November): A conference focused on data engineering, data architecture, and data infrastructure.
  7. Predictive Analytics World (New York, November): A conference focused on predictive analytics, machine learning, and data mining.
  8. Machine Learning & AI Conference (New York, December): A conference featuring talks, workshops, and networking opportunities for machine learning and AI professionals.

Some popular data science meetups in New York include:

  1. New York Data Science Meetup: A meetup group with over 20,000 members, featuring talks, workshops, and networking opportunities.
  2. NYC Machine Learning Meetup: A meetup group focused on machine learning, with over 10,000 members.
  3. Data Science NYC: A meetup group focused on data science, with over 5,000 members.
  4. New York AI & Machine Learning Meetup: A meetup group focused on AI and machine learning, with over 5,000 members.

These are just a few examples of the many data science conferences and meetups available in New York. I hope this helps you find the right event for your interests and goals!