Dasuki news

You're referring to the news about Dasuki, likely referring to Sambo Dasuki, a former National Security Adviser (NSA) in Nigeria.

Sambo Dasuki was arrested in 2015 and charged with mismanaging $2.1 billion in arms funds meant for the country's military. He was accused of diverting the funds to personal use and bribing politicians.

Here are some key updates on the Dasuki news:

  1. Arrest and trial: Dasuki was arrested in December 2015 and charged with 19 counts of money laundering, criminal breach of trust, and corruption. His trial began in 2016 and has been ongoing since then.
  2. Allegations of corruption: Dasuki was accused of mismanaging the arms funds, which were meant to purchase military equipment and weapons to fight Boko Haram, a terrorist group that has been wreaking havoc in Nigeria. He was also accused of using the funds to bribe politicians and buy influence.
  3. Investigation: The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) conducted an investigation into the arms deal and found that Dasuki had diverted the funds to personal use. The investigation also revealed that he had used the funds to buy luxury cars, properties, and other assets.
  4. Conviction: In 2019, Dasuki was convicted of diverting the arms funds and sentenced to seven years in prison. However, he was later granted bail pending the outcome of his appeal.
  5. Appeal: Dasuki's lawyers appealed the conviction, arguing that the trial was unfair and that there was no evidence linking him to the diversion of the funds. The appeal is still ongoing.
  6. International pressure: The Dasuki case has attracted international attention, with human rights groups and anti-corruption organizations calling for his release. The United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries have also expressed concerns about the case.
  7. Impact on Nigeria: The Dasuki case has had significant implications for Nigeria, including the erosion of trust in the government and the military. It has also highlighted the need for greater transparency and accountability in the country's governance.

These are some of the key updates on the Dasuki news. If you have any specific questions or would like more information, feel free to ask!