Dartlang mirrors new instance

In Dart, mirrors is a package that provides a way to inspect and manipulate the runtime behavior of Dart programs. One of the key features of mirrors is the ability to create new instances of classes.

To create a new instance of a class using mirrors, you can use the reflectClass function, which returns a ClassMirror object that represents the class. You can then use the newInstance method of the ClassMirror object to create a new instance of the class.

Here is an example:

import 'package:mirrors/mirrors.dart';

void main() {
  // Get the ClassMirror for the MyClass class
  ClassMirror myClassMirror = reflectClass(MyClass);

  // Create a new instance of MyClass
  Object myObject = myClassMirror.newInstance();

In this example, reflectClass(MyClass) returns a ClassMirror object that represents the MyClass class. The newInstance method of the ClassMirror object is then used to create a new instance of MyClass.

You can also pass arguments to the constructor of the class when creating a new instance using newInstance. For example:

Object myObject = myClassMirror.newInstance([arg1, arg2,...]);

This will create a new instance of MyClass with the specified arguments.

Note that mirrors is a powerful package that allows you to inspect and manipulate the runtime behavior of Dart programs. However, it is also a complex package that requires a good understanding of the Dart language and its runtime behavior.