Darey art alade new single

You're referring to the Nigerian R&B singer-songwriter Darey Art Alade!

Yes, Darey Art Alade has recently released a new single, and I'd be happy to provide you with more information about it.

According to reports, Darey's new single is titled "Jah Jah" and it's a soulful, uplifting track that showcases his signature blend of R&B, pop, and Afrobeat sounds. The song is said to be an ode to God, with Darey expressing his gratitude and praise for the blessings in his life.

"Jah Jah" is a follow-up to Darey's previous single, "Asiko", which was released in 2020. The new single is expected to be part of his upcoming album, which is rumored to be dropping later this year.

Fans are already raving about the new single, praising Darey's smooth vocals and the song's catchy melody. If you're a fan of Darey's music, you might want to check out "Jah Jah" and see what you think!

Would you like to know more about Darey Art Alade's music or his upcoming album?