Dapchi girls fake news

I understand your concern. The Dapchi schoolgirls' abduction and subsequent release was a highly publicized and sensitive issue in Nigeria. It's essential to verify information to ensure accuracy and avoid spreading misinformation.

To clarify, the Dapchi schoolgirls' abduction occurred on February 19, 2018, when over 100 schoolgirls were kidnapped from the Government Girls Science and Technical College in Dapchi, Yobe State, Nigeria. The abduction was widely reported and sparked widespread outrage and concern.

The Nigerian government and various organizations, including the Bring Back Our Girls (BBOG) movement, worked tirelessly to secure the release of the girls. On March 21, 2018, 105 of the abducted girls were released, with five remaining unaccounted for.

It's crucial to rely on credible sources of information to avoid spreading misinformation. I recommend checking reputable news outlets, such as BBC News, Al Jazeera, or The Guardian, for accurate updates on the situation.

If you have any specific concerns or questions about the Dapchi schoolgirls' abduction or release, please feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to provide accurate information.