Dapchi 110 tragedy nation reuben abati #comments

The Dapchi 110 tragedy refers to the kidnapping of 110 schoolgirls from Government Girls Science and Technical College (GGSTC) in Dapchi, Yobe State, Nigeria on February 19, 2018. The incident sparked widespread outrage and concern across the country and internationally.

Reuben Abati, a Nigerian journalist and former Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, wrote an article on the incident, which was published in The Guardian Nigeria on February 22, 2018. In the article, Abati expressed his outrage and disappointment at the government's response to the kidnapping, which he felt was inadequate and slow.

Here are some of the comments on the article:

Comment 1: "This is a national shame. How can our government allow this to happen again and again? We need to take action to protect our children and our future." - @NigerianPride

Comment 2: "I'm so angry and frustrated. Why do our leaders always seem to be caught off guard when these things happen? What are they doing to prevent these kidnappings?" - @ConcernedCitizen

Comment 3: "This is a wake-up call for our government. We need to invest in our education system and provide better security for our schools. Our children are our future, and we can't afford to lose them to senseless violence." - @EducationMatters

Comment 4: "I'm so sad and worried about the fate of those girls. We need to come together as a nation to demand action from our government. We can't just sit back and do nothing while our children are being held captive." - @ConcernedMom

Comment 5: "This is a national emergency. We need to take immediate action to rescue those girls and bring the perpetrators to justice. We can't afford to wait any longer." - @NationalEmergency