Dante new advent

You're referring to Dante Alighieri's "The Divine Comedy", specifically the "New Advent" translation!

The "New Advent" translation is a public domain translation of Dante's "The Divine Comedy" that was first published in 1909-1911. It's considered a classic and is still widely read and studied today.

The translation was done by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, an American poet and translator, who was commissioned by the New Advent project to translate the work. The translation is known for its poetic and lyrical style, which captures the beauty and depth of Dante's original Italian text.

The "New Advent" translation is available online and is often used in academic and literary circles. It's a great resource for anyone interested in reading and studying Dante's masterpiece.

Here's an example of the translation:

"In the middle of the journey of our life I found myself in a dark wood, Where the direct path was lost. Ah, how hard it is to speak of what That wild and savage region, where The very thought of it renews the fear!"

(From "Inferno", Canto I, lines 1-6)